Wednesday 6 February 2013

Methods of English Language Teaching

Five best methods of English language teaching- For quick and effective learning

Learning a whole new language can be quiet a difficult task. While learning any language one has to keep in mind about the vocabulary as well as diction. One has to equally concentrate on speaking as well. English is a globally accepted language and hence should be learned by everyone. Those who aren’t natives to English or novice in the terms of English face more difficulty in learning this alien language. Though there are many tutors and language schools available but there are some measures which can be implemented, which help the person himself will will find an easy route to learn English language.  

Read While You Write

Right from the elementary level of learning English language one should also be focused on vocabulary. An easy and effective method is that in the primary level of learning, while you write, read along what you are writing. Begin with short words (monosyllabic) and then gradually proceed with your skills. This will help you get familiar with the vocabulary and pronunciation of letters in different names, objects and phrases.

Make it a practice

Make it a practice to read English words that come your way, this will boost your skills of grasping English language. Like while driving if you come across any signboards or advertisement boards in English do not ignore them and read them as it will help you practice, gradually upgrading your English language fluency. Buy activity books which are available in the market easily, this will keep your levels upgrading rapidly.

Speak in English

As you learn English language make sure you implement it as well in your day to day life. As soon as you learn any formality word or phrase try to put it in use. Start from the basic, greet your housemates in English; ask for help in English language, this will help you attain the proper diction and confidence to speak English. This method will help you attain fluency in English in a very short span of time.

Watch English Videos / Listen to English Language

Switch on to English sitcoms and tune into English language radio. This will make sure you get the correct pronunciation. It will also help you correct your own grammar if you are going wrong. By doing this you will also notice yourself already conversing in English. This necessary change you will be able to notice great difference in your learning ways.

Never Underestimate Yourself

While learning any foreign language its natural that you fail number of times. At such moments do not give up hope. It is very essential to keep going, because what seems difficult may become easy if consistent practice is maintained. Keep encouraging yourself, remain positive and success will be sure attained. 

The above methods may provide help towards learning English language. The fact that learning a language which is completely new to you may make it even more complicated in such cases keep a good friend or guide or a family member along who is already fluent in English by doing so not only you will remain encouraged and enthusiast but will also learn English language really quickly.

Note: Please, refer our article on English Learning Games or English Learning Games For Kids as well. 

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